Goodness Digestive Enzymes

A complete Digestive Solution – Power-Packed Enzymes to Support Every Aspect of Digestion

13 Powerful Digestive Enzymes to Support Healthy Digestion, Reduce IBS, Crohn’s, and Celiac Disease Symptoms, Supplement Pancreatic Enzymes, and Increase Nutrient Absorption.

1. Protease (Pepsin, Trypsin, and Chymotrypsin)

Protease enzymes are vital to the human body, playing a central role in digesting proteins. These enzymes, including Pepsin, Trypsin, and Chymotrypsin, are designed to break down proteins in our foods into smaller, absorbable components known as amino acids. Here are a few benefits of the Protease enzymes:

  • Energy Production: By breaking down proteins into amino acids, Protease facilitates their conversion into energy.
  • Muscle Repair and Growth: Protease aids in the repair of muscle tissue, accelerates recovery times, and supports muscle growth by ensuring that the body can efficiently utilize ingested proteins.
  • Supporting Bodily Functions: Protease enzymes play a role in blood clotting, helping to prevent excessive bleeding from cuts or injuries. They are also involved in the immune system, assisting in the breakdown and removal of antigens and damaged proteins. This ensures the body can maintain a healthy defense against pathogens and rapidly recover from illnesses.
  • Cell Division and Protein Recycling: Protease is integral to cell division, aiding the breakdown of proteins necessary for cell growth and replication. This function supports the body’s ability to regenerate and repair tissues. Furthermore, protease assists in the recycling of proteins within the body, which is a critical aspect of maintaining cellular health and function.

2. Amylase – The Energy Unleasher

Amylase plays a pivotal role in the digestive process, targeting the complex carbohydrates that form a significant part of our diet. Found in saliva and pancreatic fluid, this enzyme is the first step in the digestive process, beginning its work the moment food enters the mouth. Its primary function is to break down starches and complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars, such as glucose, which the body can readily absorb and utilize. This process is crucial for providing the energy required for daily activities and maintaining optimal brain function and physical health.

  • Essential for Brain Function: The brain is one of the largest consumers of glucose in the body, relying on this simple sugar as its primary energy source. By breaking down complex carbohydrates into glucose, Amylase ensures a steady supply of energy to the brain, supporting cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, and problem-solving. This makes Amylase critical not just for physical health but for mental clarity and performance as well.
  • Fuel for Physical Activities: Amylase is indispensable for those who lead an active lifestyle or exercise regularly. It facilitates the conversion of dietary carbohydrates into glucose, which muscles use as a fuel source during aerobic and anaerobic exercise. This process helps to enhance endurance, reduce fatigue, and improve overall performance in physical activities.
  • A Key Player in Digestive Health: Beyond its roles in energy production and brain function, Amylase is also essential for digestive health. Initiating the breakdown of complex carbohydrates in the mouth ensures a more efficient digestive process, reducing the risk of digestive discomfort and improving nutrient absorption. This early start in digestion underscores the importance of thorough chewing, allowing Amylase to act on the food we eat effectively.
  • Supporting Metabolic Health: Amylase’s role in breaking down carbohydrates has broader implications for metabolic health. Ensuring the efficient conversion of starches into glucose helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, reducing spikes and crashes that can lead to feelings of lethargy or hunger. This balanced approach to carbohydrate digestion supports long-term metabolic health, reducing the risk of conditions such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

3. Lipase – The Fat Transformer

Lipase is an essential enzyme that helps break down fats and oils into their component parts, making them accessible for absorption and use by the body. It works on triglycerides, the most common type of fat in our diet, converting them into fatty acids and glycerol. These components are crucial for various bodily functions, from energy storage and insulation to cell membrane formation and hormone synthesis.

  • Vital for Nutrient Absorption: Lipase’s primary role in hydrolyzing fats is not just breaking down dietary fats but transforming them into forms that can be easily absorbed through the intestines. This process is crucial for absorbing fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and essential fatty acids, vital for numerous bodily functions, including maintaining healthy skin, vision, immune response, and brain health.
  • Supports Energy Production: While carbohydrates are a quick energy source, fats are the body’s long-term energy storage. The fatty acids and glycerol produced by Lipase’s action are pivotal in the metabolic process, providing a sustained energy source. Lipase is especially important for endurance activities and overall daily energy management.
  • Regulates Blood Lipids: Lipase plays a significant role in managing and regulating blood lipid levels, contributing to cardiovascular health. By efficiently breaking down dietary fats, it helps maintain balanced levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and supporting heart health.
  • Aids in Weight Management: Lipase’s ability to break down fats is key in weight management and obesity prevention. By facilitating the efficient digestion and absorption of dietary fats, it helps prevent the accumulation of excess fat, making it easier for the body to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Contributes to Digestive Comfort: Adequate Lipase activity is essential for the smooth digestion of fatty meals. Insufficient Lipase can lead to digestive discomforts, such as bloating, gas, and indigestion, as undigested fats can cause disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Supplementing with Lipase, as found in Goodness Digestive Enzymes, can help alleviate these symptoms and promote digestive comfort.

4. Bromelain – The Pineapple Powerhouse

Bromelain is not just any enzyme; it’s a potent, protein-digesting enzyme complex derived from the stem and juice of pineapples. Recognized for its remarkable ability to break down proteins into peptides and amino acids, Bromelain goes beyond mere digestion. It has gained attention for its therapeutic benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties, making it a multifaceted addition to a health-conscious individual’s diet.

  • Enhanced Protein Digestion: At its core, Bromelain facilitates the breakdown of complex proteins in the foods we eat, ensuring they are reduced to absorbable forms. This process is crucial for anyone looking to improve their nutrient absorption, particularly athletes and individuals with protein-rich diets. By optimizing protein digestion, Bromelain supports muscle recovery, growth, and repair, making it a valuable supplement for enhancing physical health and performance.
  • Anti-inflammatory Effects: Bromelain’s benefits extend well into natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Studies have shown that Bromelain can reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain, particularly in conditions such as osteoarthritis, making it a natural alternative or complement to traditional anti-inflammatory medications. This property is especially beneficial for individuals looking to manage pain and inflammation related to injuries or chronic conditions without relying solely on pharmaceuticals.
  • Supports Immune Function: Bromelain is also known to modulate the immune system, enhancing its ability to defend against pathogens while potentially reducing the risk of autoimmunity. Bromelain can help maintain a balanced immune response by influencing various immune cells, promoting overall health and resilience against illnesses.
  • Promotes Cardiovascular Health: The enzyme has been linked to cardiovascular benefits, including the reduction of platelet aggregation, which can lead to blood clots and cardiovascular events. By supporting healthy blood flow and preventing excessive blood clotting, Bromelain contributes to cardiovascular health, complementing a heart-healthy lifestyle.
  • Aids in Wound Healing and Skin Health: Beyond its internal benefits, Bromelain has been utilized in wound care thanks to its ability to remove dead tissue from burns and wounds, promoting healing. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory and proteolytic actions can support skin health, potentially reducing the impact of conditions like acne.

5. Papain – The Papaya’s Potent Enzyme

Papain, a powerful proteolytic enzyme extracted from the latex of the papaya fruit, breaks down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids, facilitating their absorption and utilization by the body. However, the benefits of Papain extend far beyond its ability to enhance protein digestion; it also possesses remarkable anti-inflammatory properties, contributes to wound healing, and supports various aspects of health and well-being.

  • Optimizes Protein Digestion: At its core, Papain significantly improves the digestive process by efficiently breaking down protein molecules found in meat, fish, dairy products, and nuts. This enhanced protein digestion helps prevent discomforts such as bloating, gas, and indigestion that can occur when proteins are not properly broken down. Papain helps the body absorb and utilize these essential nutrients more effectively, supporting muscle repair, growth, and overall health by ensuring that proteins are fully digested.
  • Natural Anti-inflammatory Agent: Papain’s anti-inflammatory properties make it an invaluable natural remedy for reducing inflammation and swelling. This is particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from arthritis, where inflammation leads to pain and reduced mobility. Papain can help improve the quality of life for those with chronic inflammatory conditions by naturally mitigating inflammation.
  • Aids in Wound Healing: Papain has been traditionally used in wound care due to its ability to break down dead tissue without harming the surrounding healthy tissue. This selective action promotes cleaner wounds and facilitates quicker healing, making Papain a useful adjunct in treating burns, ulcers, and other skin injuries.
  • Supports Immune Function: Beyond its digestive and anti-inflammatory roles, Papain supports the immune system. By breaking down proteins that could otherwise trigger immune responses, Papain helps maintain immune system balance, potentially reducing the likelihood of allergic reactions and autoimmune conditions.
  • Enhances Skin Health: Papain’s proteolytic action is also harnessed in skincare, where it is used as an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells, improving skin texture and tone. This contributes to a clearer, more rejuvenated complexion, showcasing Papain’s versatility beyond internal health benefits.

6. Lactase – The Dairy Digestor

Lactase is a critical digestive enzyme with a very specific and important role: it breaks down lactose, the sugar found in milk and other dairy products. This enzyme is naturally produced in the small intestine and is key for people to enjoy dairy products without discomfort. However, not everyone produces enough Lactase, leading to a condition known as lactose intolerance. The role of Lactase supplements is indispensable for those who want to continue enjoying the nutritional benefits of dairy without the adverse symptoms.

  • Addressing Lactose Intolerance: Lactose intolerance is a common digestive issue where the body cannot fully digest lactose, leading to symptoms such as cramps, diarrhea, gas, and bloating after consuming dairy products. This condition stems from a deficiency in Lactase production. By taking Lactase supplements, individuals can effectively break down lactose, thus preventing these uncomfortable symptoms and allowing for the inclusion of dairy in their diet.
  • Nutritional Benefits of Dairy: Dairy products are a vital source of essential nutrients, including calcium, vitamin D, potassium, and protein. Calcium, in particular, is crucial for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth, blood clotting, muscle function, and nerve signal transmission. Lactase enables individuals with lactose intolerance to access these important nutrients without experiencing digestive distress, contributing to their overall nutritional well-being.
  • Improving Digestive Comfort and Health: Supplementing with Lactase prevents the symptoms associated with lactose intolerance and contributes to overall digestive comfort and health. By ensuring that lactose is properly digested, Lactase supplements help maintain a balanced and healthy gut environment, which is beneficial for nutrient absorption and may prevent other digestive issues.
  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Lactase supplements enable those with lactose intolerance to continue enjoying dairy products, from cheese and yogurt to ice cream and milk, enhancing their quality of life and dietary satisfaction.
  • Tailored Dosage for Individual Needs: The amount of Lactase needed can vary significantly among individuals, depending on the level of lactose intolerance and the amount of dairy consumed. Supplements are available in various forms, including tablets and drops, allowing for personalized dosage that can be adjusted to match dietary lactose intake, ensuring optimal digestive comfort.

7. Glucoamylase – The Starch-to-Sugar Converter

Glucoamylase is a key digestive enzyme with a specialized function that plays a crucial role in our body’s ability to utilize energy from our diet. It acts on starches, complex carbohydrates found abundantly in foods like potatoes, rice, and bread, breaking them down into glucose, a simple sugar that serves as a primary energy source for the body. This process facilitates the efficient absorption of glucose and ensures that our digestive system runs smoothly.

  • Optimizing Energy Utilization: The conversion of starches into glucose by Glucoamylase is essential for providing the body with readily available energy. Glucose fuels various bodily functions, including brain activity, muscular movement, and metabolic processes. Glucoamylase plays a direct role in maintaining energy levels and supporting overall vitality by enabling the breakdown and absorption of glucose.
  • Promoting Digestive Health: Glucoamylase contributes significantly to digestive comfort. Breaking down complex carbohydrates into simpler forms helps prevent the fermentation of undigested starches in the large intestine, which can lead to common digestive upsets such as gas, bloating, and discomfort. Glucoamylase ensures a smoother digestive process, minimizing the risk of such issues.
  • Supporting Nutrient Absorption: Beyond its role in energy production, the action of Glucoamylase on starches aids in the overall process of nutrient absorption. By efficiently breaking down complex carbohydrates, the intestines can absorb glucose and other nutrients in our diet. This optimizes nutritional uptake and supports the body’s health and well-being.
  • Balancing Blood Sugar Levels: The enzymatic activity of Glucoamylase has implications for blood sugar management. Facilitating the steady breakdown and absorption of glucose helps maintain more stable blood sugar levels, avoiding sharp spikes and dips that can lead to fatigue or hunger. This steady energy release is particularly beneficial for individuals managing diabetes or those seeking to maintain balanced energy levels throughout the day.
  • Enhancing Carbohydrate-Rich Diet Digestion: For individuals who consume a diet high in carbohydrates, Glucoamylase is especially beneficial. It ensures that the body can efficiently process and benefit from the energy provided by carbohydrate-rich foods, supporting an active and healthy lifestyle.

8. Cellulase- The Plant Fiber Specialist

Cellulase is a unique and vital enzyme, primarily because it targets a substance that the human body cannot naturally break down: cellulose. Cellulose is a major component of plant cell walls and a common form of dietary fiber found in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Unlike other digestive enzymes produced by the human body, Cellulase must be obtained externally, through either dietary sources or supplementation, to aid in breaking down cellulose into bioavailable forms.

  • Unlocking the Nutritional Value of Plant-Based Foods: By breaking down cellulose into beta-glucose and short-chain polysaccharides, Cellulase plays a critical role in unlocking the nutritional value of plant-based foods. This process facilitates the release of nutrients trapped within the cellulose matrix and enhances the body’s ability to absorb these nutrients. Beta-glucose, a simple sugar resulting from cellulase activity, is an easily accessible energy source, further contributing to the nutritional benefits of consuming plant-based foods.
  • Supporting Digestive Health: Cellulase is essential for promoting healthy digestion, especially for individuals consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Cellulase helps prevent the common digestive issues associated with high-fiber diets, such as bloating, gas, and discomfort, by aiding in the breakdown of cellulose. Additionally, Cellulase supports the growth of beneficial gut flora by providing them with short-chain polysaccharides, which serve as prebiotics, fostering a healthy and balanced gut microbiome.
  • Enhancing Detoxification Processes: Cellulase’s efficient breakdown of cellulose and other dietary fibers can assist in the body’s natural detoxification processes. By promoting regular bowel movements, Cellulase helps eliminate toxins and waste products from the digestive tract, contributing to overall detoxification and well-being.
  • Contributing to Weight Management: The role of Cellulase in breaking down dietary fibers can also contribute to weight management efforts. By enhancing the feeling of fullness and promoting satiety, Cellulase can help regulate appetite and prevent overeating. Furthermore, the efficient digestion of fibers aids in maintaining a healthy metabolism, supporting weight management goals.
  • Optimizing Energy Release from Plant-Based Diets: Cellulase benefits those following plant-based diets. It ensures the body can efficiently derive energy from high-fiber foods, optimizing energy release and supporting an active and healthy lifestyle.

9. Xylanase – The Plant Cell Wall Breaker

Xylanase is a specialized enzyme with a unique and vital role in the digestive process, particularly when it comes to breaking down plant-based foods. While it is true that humans do not produce Xylanase, this enzyme, produced by fungi and bacteria, including those in our gut microbiome, is crucial for efficiently digesting plant materials. Xylanase targets xylan, a major component of the plant cell walls, breaking it down into simpler molecules that can be more easily absorbed and utilized by the body.

  • Unlocking Nutrients from Plant Foods: Xylan, as a part of the complex structure of plant cell walls, encapsulates valuable nutrients. Xylanase helps break down these barriers, releasing trapped nutrients for absorption. This process is particularly important for those following a plant-heavy or vegetarian diet, ensuring they can access the full spectrum of nutrients available.
  • Enhancing Digestive Efficiency: The action of Xylanase in the digestive tract plays a significant role in preventing common digestive issues associated with a high-fiber diet, such as bloating, gas, and discomfort. By breaking down xylan into absorbable sugars and reducing the viscosity of plant-based foods in the gut, Xylanase contributes to smoother digestion and promotes overall digestive health.
  • Supporting Gut Health: Xylanase supports a healthy gut microbiome beyond its direct digestive benefits. The breakdown products of xylan serve as prebiotics, nourishing beneficial gut bacteria. Given the importance of the gut-brain axis, this symbiotic relationship enhances gut health, supports immune function, and can even improve mood and cognitive function.
  • Boosting Energy Absorption: The efficient breakdown of plant cell walls by Xylanase facilitates the release and absorption of energy-rich nutrients, such as sugars, from plant-based foods. This ensures that individuals consuming diets rich in plant materials can efficiently convert these foods into usable energy, supporting an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • Aiding Gluten-Free Diets: For individuals following gluten-free diets, Xylanase can play an important role in improving the texture and quality of gluten-free baked goods. By breaking down xylans in gluten-free flour, Xylanase can help mimic the structure and texture provided by gluten in traditional baking, enhancing the overall eating experience.

10. Hemicellulase – The Plant Fiber Dissolver

Hemicellulase is a pivotal enzyme in the digestive process, specifically targeting hemicellulose, one of the main components of plant cell walls. Unlike cellulose, hemicellulose consists of various sugars forming long chains known as non-cellulose polysaccharides. These complex molecules are abundant in fruits, vegetables, and grains, making Hemicellulase an essential enzyme for anyone consuming a diet rich in plant-based foods.

  • Facilitating Nutrient Release: The primary role of Hemicellulase is to break down hemicellulose into its constituent sugars, which can then be absorbed and utilized by the body. This process is critical for releasing trapped nutrients within the cell walls of plants, ensuring that the body can access and benefit from the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  • Improving Digestive Health: By aiding in the breakdown of complex plant fibers, Hemicellulase contributes to smoother digestion and can help prevent common digestive issues associated with high-fiber diets, such as bloating, gas, and discomfort. This ensures a more comfortable and efficient digestive process, allowing individuals to enjoy the benefits of a fiber-rich diet without the potential drawbacks.
  • Supporting Gut Microbiome: The action of Hemicellulase in the gut also has positive implications for the microbiome. The breakdown products of hemicellulose serve as prebiotics, feeding beneficial bacteria in the gut. This supports a healthy and balanced gut microbiome linked to improved immune function, better digestion, and mental well-being due to the gut-brain axis.
  • Enhancing Absorption of Plant-Based Nutrients: Hemicellulase’s efficient breakdown of plant materials releases trapped nutrients and improves their absorption. This is particularly important for plant-based diets, where optimizing the bioavailability of nutrients is key to meeting dietary needs and supporting overall health.
  • Assisting in Gluten Digestion: For individuals with sensitivities to gluten or those following a gluten-free diet, Hemicellulase can also play a supportive role. While not directly breaking down gluten, the enzyme helps digest components of grains that may be consumed as part of a gluten-free diet, aiding the overall digestive process and contributing to gut health.

11. Alpha Galactosidase – The Complex Sugar Simplifier

Alpha Galactosidase is an enzyme with a crucial role in the digestion of complex sugars found in a variety of plant-based foods. By hydrolyzing molecules from glycolipids and glycoproteins, it specifically targets polysaccharides and oligosaccharides, which are prevalent in foods like peanuts, beans, lentils, and many cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. This enzyme’s activity is essential for breaking down these complex sugars into simpler forms that the body can easily absorb, making it a key player in promoting digestive comfort and nutrient absorption.

  • Addressing Digestive Challenges: Many foods that alpha Galactosidase acts on are known to cause gas and bloating due to the body’s difficulty breaking down complex sugars. By effectively simplifying these sugars, alpha Galactosidase helps minimize common digestive discomforts associated with consuming these otherwise nutritious foods. This makes it particularly valuable for individuals who experience sensitivity to these foods but wish to retain them in their diet for health benefits.
  • Enhancing Nutrient Uptake: Beyond alleviating digestive symptoms, the action of alpha Galactosidase on complex sugars aids in nutrient absorption. Breaking down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars ensures the body can effectively utilize these foods’ energy and nutrients. This is especially important for maintaining energy levels and supporting a balanced diet.
  • Supporting a Diverse Diet: Alpha Galactosidase is an invaluable enzyme for those looking to maintain a diverse and plant-rich diet. It includes a wide range of vegetables, legumes, and nuts without worrying about digestive discomfort, supporting dietary variety and nutritional intake. This is crucial for a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.
  • Promoting Gut Health: The efficient breakdown of complex sugars also benefits the gut microbiome. By preventing the undigested sugars from fermenting in the large intestine, alpha Galactosidase supports a healthy balance of gut flora, essential for digestive health, immune function, and overall well-being.

12. Beta-Glucanase – The Fiber Specialist

Beta-Glucanase is a specialized enzyme adept at breaking down beta-glucans, complex polysaccharides composed of glucose molecules linked in long chains. These beta-glucans are found in various sources, including cell walls of cereals, certain types of fungi, yeast, and bacteria. Unlike simpler sugars, beta-glucans present a unique challenge for digestion as humans lack the innate ability to break them down efficiently. This is where Beta-Glucanase plays a crucial role, hydrolyzing these polysaccharides into more digestible forms, thereby facilitating nutrient absorption and supporting digestive health.

  • Enhancing Digestive Function: One of the key benefits of Beta-Glucanase is its ability to reduce the viscosity of food in the digestive tract. This reduction in viscosity can significantly improve digestion efficiency, enabling smoother transit through the gut and enhancing the absorption of nutrients. Moreover, Beta-Glucanase revitalizes natural peristalsis—the wave-like contractions of the gut that move food along the digestive tract—thereby preventing constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.
  • Supporting Nutritional Absorption: By breaking beta-glucans into more manageable components, Beta-Glucanase ensures that the nutritional value locked within food sources, particularly those rich in fiber like cereal brans, is fully accessible. This enzymatic action allows for the release and absorption of vital nutrients that would otherwise be less available, contributing to a more nutritionally complete diet.
  • Balancing Gut Microflora: Beyond its direct impact on digestion, Beta-Glucanase has implications for gut health, particularly in fungal overgrowths such as Candida. By breaking down the cell walls of these organisms, Beta-Glucanase can help manage and reduce overgrowths, thereby contributing to a balanced gut microbiome. This is crucial for overall digestive health, immune function, and well-being.
  • Promoting Heart Health: Beta-glucans’ breakdown also has potential benefits for heart health. Beta-glucans are known for their role in lowering cholesterol levels. Through the action of Beta-Glucanase, these beneficial effects can be optimized, contributing to a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

13. Pectinase – Fruits and Vegetables Digestor

Pectinase stands out as a specialized enzyme tailored for breaking down pectin, a complex polysaccharide that forms an integral part of the cell walls in fruits and vegetables. This enzyme is pivotal in transforming plant-based foods into more digestible and nutritionally available forms. By targeting pectin, Pectinase facilitates the breakdown of plant materials, making it easier for the body to extract and absorb their valuable nutrients.

  • Enhancing Digestibility of Fruits and Vegetables: Pectin is known for its gel-forming properties, which can make the cell walls of plants tough and resistant to digestion. Pectinase breaks down these barriers, improving the digestibility of a wide range of fruits and vegetables. This is crucial for individuals looking to maximize their intake of plant-based nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
  • Increasing Nutritional Availability: By breaking down pectin, pectinase makes fruits and vegetables more digestible and enhances their availability of nutrients. This process ensures that the body can more efficiently absorb the health-promoting compounds found in plant-based foods, supporting overall well-being.
  • Supporting Prebiotic Activity: The action of Pectinase has positive implications for gut health beyond simple digestion. The breakdown products of pectin act as prebiotics, nourishing beneficial probiotic bacteria in the gut. This supports a healthy and balanced gut microbiome, linked to numerous health benefits, including improved digestive function, enhanced immune response, and even better mental health due to the gut-brain connection.
  • Aiding in the Management of Dietary Restrictions: Pectinase can be particularly beneficial for individuals with certain dietary restrictions or sensitivities, especially those related to indigestible fibers. It aids in consuming a broader range of fruits and vegetables by reducing the potential for digestive discomfort associated with high-pectin foods.

Benefits of Digestive Enzymes

  • Management of several digestive diseases that involve organs responsible for making digestive enzymes. This includes the Exocrine Pancreas, which produces Pancreatic Enzymes, and the small intestinal brush border, which produces Lactase.
  • Managing Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) in Chronic Pancreatic Cancer, Cystic Fibrosis (CF), and Diabetes.
  • Lactose Intolerance management
  • Improve the digestion of gluten peptides, so they are helpful for those with celiac disease. 
  • Digestive Enzymes relieve Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) symptoms and Crohn’s or Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
  • Having sufficient digestive enzymes contributes to the well-being of the digestive system and the person’s overall well-being.
  • Having 13 digestive enzymes in the Goodness Digestive Enzymes formula is powerful and helps ensure you do not have any deficiencies.

Pancreatic Enzyme Supplementation

Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency

EPI is a life-threatening condition associated with several pancreatic diseases, such as Chronic Pancreatitis, Acute Pancreatitis, Cystic Fibrosis, Pancreatic Cancer, and because of Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic surgery.

Pancreatic Enzymes

There are three groups of Pancreatic Enzymes according to their various functions:

  • Proteolytic Enzymes (Protease)
  • Amylolytic Enzymes (Amylase)
  • Lipolytic Enzymes (Lipase)

Goodness Digestive Enzymes are helpful Pancreatic Enzyme supplements because each capsule (445 mg) includes:

  • Protease Enzymes
    • Protease (derived from Aspergillus oryzae)
    • Bromelain (derived from pineapple fruit stem and core)
    • Papain (derived from papaya fruit)
  • Amylase Enzyme (derived from Aspergillus oryzae)
  • Lipase Enzyme (derived from Aspergillus oryzae)

The suggested dosage of Goodness Digestive Enzymes as Pancreatic Enzyme Supplementation is 1 to 2 capsules per meal.

Lactase (β-Galactosidase) Supplementation

  • Lactase (β-Galactosidase) deficiency is the principal cause of lactose malabsorption.
  • It is an enzyme intestinal villi produce to hydrolyze lactose into galactose and glucose.
  • Secondary hypolactasia can result from any small intestinal mucosal brush border damage or an increase in gastrointestinal transit time.
  • Lactose intolerance occurs when lactose malabsorption causes gastrointestinal symptoms between 30 minutes and 2 hours after drinking milk or eating dairy products.
  • GIT symptoms associated with lactose intolerance include:
    • Cramps in the lower belly, bloating, or pain
    • Gas
    • Loose Stool
    • Diarrhea
    • Foamy Stools
    • Vomit
  • One way to treat lactose intolerance is to avoid milk products. This could cause a lack of essential nutrients and vitamins, such as calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, and proteins.

Goodness Digestive Enzymes aid in relieving GIT symptoms caused by Lactose Intolerance. It contains Lactase Enzymes derived from Aspergillus oryzae (1,000 units per capsule). The recommended dose of Lactase for those with Lactose Intolerance is 2,000 to 4,000 units per meal. The suggested dose of Goodness Digestive Enzymes is 2 to 4 capsules per meal.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS is a common disorder that affects the large intestine. Its symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. 

The foods that trigger the symptoms of IBS include:

  • Bread and cereals made with refined (not whole) grains.
  • Processed foods high in fat, such as potato chips and cookies.
  • Dairy products, such as cheese, and those related to diarrhea.
  • Food and drinks with chocolate
  • Fructose, Sorbitol
  • Fried and fatty foods
  • Dairy products
  • Foods with wheat for people allergic to gluten

Goodness Digestive Enzymes contains the following ingredients which help with IBS:

  • Protease, Amylase, and Lipase Enzymes: Human digestive enzymes.
  • Bromelain and Papain Enzymes: Help in the digestion of proteins and peptides.
  • Lactase Enzyme: To digest lactose and relieve Lactose Intolerance symptoms such as cramps, diarrhea, gas, and bloating.
  • Glucoamylase Enzyme: Helps digestive upsets and gastrointestinal issues such as heaviness, lethargy, bloating gas, and loose stools.
  • Cellulase, Hemicellulase, Xylanase, Pectinase, and Beta-Glucanase Enzymes: Helps with gas or intestinal discomfort.
  • Alpha Galactosidase Enzyme: Reduces intestinal gas and helps people with gluten intolerance and other carbohydrate sensitivities such as IBS.

Goodness Digestive Enzymes Availability

Goodness Digestive Enzymes is currently available in Jordan in most pharmacies. It is registered as a Food Supplement with the Jordan Food and Drug Administration. It is also under registration in several other countries.

You can order it online and have it delivered to the countries where it is unavailable.

We are looking for exclusive distributors for Goodness Digestive Enzymes in other countries. Please get in touch with us if you are interested.

This page is also available in Arabic language.


Digestive Enzymes and Digestive Enzyme Supplements: By John Hopkins Medicine

Proteolytic Enzymes (Proteases) – Uses, Side Effects, and More: By WebMD

Amylase By Wikipedia

Lipase By Mount Sinai

Bromelain Uses, Side Effects, and more By WebMD

6 ways to use Papain By Healthline

What is Glucoamylase by Arthur Andrew Medical